Monday, July 25, 2011

Division = Addition + Multiplication

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (Crane's Bill) is easy to divide and multiply. 

"When it comes to gardening, dividing equals multiplying." 
Can't remember where I'd heard this, but it definitely resonates with one of my favorite gardening activities: propagation. 

I really "dig" making more out of a mother plant. For instance, I planted a small strip on the side of our house with a dozen Heuchera pilossissima (Hairy Alum Root) divisions I'd done last fall and planted just before the rainy season. They are doing beautifully.

Then more recently, I divided a huge clump of Juncus patens (California Gray Rush) that was unhappily cramped inside a container. I managed to make six divisions in one-gallon nursery pots, all planted in fresh compost. I also did the same with Nephrolepis cordifolia (Southern Sword Fern); Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (Crane's Bill) and Lamium galeobdolon (Yellow Archangel).  

All these divisions have added up to a mini nursery in my garden. This act of cultivation also plays a hand in thinning out and tidying up areas in the garden. I'll share the new plants with family, friends and neighbors. They make excellent, inexpensive last-minute gifts - perfect for these economically uncertain times.

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