Thursday, November 14, 2013

This Will Grow On You: Coprosma repens (Mirror Plant)

Photos by Paul Lee Cannon
More commonly known as mirror plant, this evergreen shrub, in all of its beautiful varieties, has glossy, usually undulate leaves. Coprosma can get pretty tall planted in the ground, but I've found they fare exceptionally well in containers. When potted plantings start to turn blah come fall, I perk them up in minutes with a young coprosma. Blueberry bushes and skirts of variegated thyme used to reside in the 12-square-inch galvanized aluminum container shown at right, but I found the combination lacking in color and texture gratification. So into the ground the blueberries went, and into other containers the thyme. I replaced them all with this combination, which I love: ming fern (Asparagus retrofractus) and aeonium, both of which I already had, and a 4" Coprosma 'Evening Glow' (only $3.99!) to pull it all together and catch the eye.

Coprosma repens 'Evening Glow' injects this
combo with a kaleidoscope of glorious color. 
See how Coprosma repens 'Pink Splendor' vivifies the warm, orangey glow of the "beehive" planter shown here. Note the 'miniskirt' of blue-gray succulent tucked underneath for
 extra wow. 

Try these together: Tageetes lemonii compacta
(Compact Mexican Marigold) with Coprosma repens
'Evening Glow'
Perfect pairing: Coprosma repens 'County Park Red'
and Euphorbia 'Silver Swan'

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