Monday, September 19, 2011

Planting California Native Plants in Containers

SMOKING POTS: From left, Adiantum jordanii, Arctostaphylos Greensphere
 (a Manzanita), Tolmiea menziesii 'Taff's Gold' (Variegated Piggyback Plant). 
I participated in a couple of California native plant workshops over the weekend, both at Regional Parks Botanic Garden in Berkeley.

One workshop, "Planting Natives in Containers," was particularly inspiring. Pete Veilleux, whose business, East Bay Wilds, specializes in native plants and naturescape services, shared several slides of combinations and stand-alone specimens I would never have thought to try, including buckwheats, manzanitas, piggy back plants, wild ginger and redwood sorrel. Now, I totally want to give my existing containers a fall makeover as well as add a few (ok, maybe several) new additions.
Can't wait to share pictures of the combos I come up with!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks very much for the plug. you can see lots of photos of California native plants in containers here:
